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This is the agenda for the Board meeting:


Meeting Date: Thursday, January 09, 2025 6:30 pm

Location: Cal Fire SLO County, Station 50

6055 Webster Road, Creston, CA. 93446


1. 6:30PM Call to Order/Roll Call Welcome Guests

2. Consent Items

Consent items are most often approved by one motion after public comment. Directors may discuss any item or pull any item for further discussion or review.

A. Approval of last regular meeting minutes of October 10, 2024.

B. Approval Treasurer Report. (review checking account expenditures.)

3. Old Business

These items have been previously directed or approved and are listed below for status

Updates and any further direction.

A. FEMA update report-Director-Stack.

B. New Directors welcome. Appoint New President , VP and Secretary.

C. New Bank Signature authorization update. Checkbook held by Treasurer.

D. Directors, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Road Manager duty statement.

LCSD Policy & Procedures. 3 ring binder. Work Group?

E. Review Current Budget. Preapproved operating expenses, emergency reserves, road maintenance materials, and contract bid road maintenance.

(Worksheet handout) Director Brown

F. Waiver Form. Resident volunteer work groups. Director Stack.

4. New Business

A. Website update. Staff, Erwin Gut

B. Contractor Bid Major Road Maintenance Projects 2025.

Priority Road locations. Road material resurface, pot hole and drainage repairs.

Resident, Staff and LCSD Directors input. Assign workgroups.

C. Minor Road Maintenance Projects 2025.

Resident, Staff and LCSD Directors input. Assign workgroups. Discuss and identify

Maintenance and Improvement projects within the preapproved Budget limits.

Identify qualifying small projects, i.e. small potholes, road edge maintenance, drainage, etc. Identify budget expense limits.

C. Correspondence Received.

1. Susan Clark, High Ridge Road. Director Brown, responded Further Board discussion and review of deferred maintenance, traffic, and emergency concerns.

2. Miller Newlon, 1810 Thistle Road. Erosion & drainage damage concerns.

D. Board Directors or Staff Comments.

5. Public Comment-Topics NOT on Agenda

Any resident or member of the public, may address the Board of Directors relating to any matter within the Jurisdiction of the Board of Directors, providing the matter is not on the agenda. Residents and members of the public may comment on Agenda discussion items at the time they are presented. Accepted comments shall be on topic, in a professional business manner, and absent of profanity or personnel attacks.

Comment is limited to (3) minutes unless otherwise approved by the Board President or

Majority approval by the Board of Directors. In compliance with the Brown Act, the Board is prohibited from taking any action on matters not listed on the agenda. The Board may approve to have a matter added to the next Board meeting agenda for

Discussion and any further actions.

6. Adjournment: Next Quarterly Meeting, April 10, 2025. 6:30pm.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Government Section 54954.2. Requests for disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability, who requires the modification or accommodation in order to participate at the above referenced meeting. Please contact the Secretary, by using the District website, mailing address or phone contact all listed above.